A downloadable game for Windows

The Twenty-Fifth Hour is 2D, Hack-and-Slash, action video game with painterly visuals, snappy combat, and biblically-accurate lights fighting vampires! You play as Icarus, a vampire who wants to destroy the sun for his wife. The object of the game is to navigate through different environments to eventually clear the area of its enemies in the most STYLISH way possible to turn them to darkness while they drain your life-force until you fall. If you lose all of your vigor, from the light you will crumble to ash and lose.

Song: Silhouette of War
Composer: Keys Of Moon
Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/keysofmoonmusic
License: Free To use Youtube license youtube-free
Music Powered by Breakingcopyright

Song: Dark Knight by MaxKoMusic I https://maxkomusic.com/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0


25thHour.zip 72 MB

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